BCI UK Patient-Public Group
Welcome to the Bowel Cancer Intelligence UK Patient-Public Group website.
Established in 2016, we provide Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) to the UK Colorectal Cancer Intelligence Hub and the Yorkshire Cancer Research Bowel Cancer Improvement Programme. We bring our experiences as cancer patients and carers and act as 'critical friends' to the Hub and Programme. We help drive the production and analysis of data that will improve bowel cancer outcomes across the UK.
The Patient-Public Group (PPG):
- Advise on what research is likely to be most relevant to patients and the public.
- Meet regularly to review Hub and Programme plans.
- Blog about key research and initiatives.
- Write and review plain language summaries of publications.
UK Colorectal Cancer Intelligence Hub
We support the Cancer Research UK funded UK Colorectal Cancer Intelligence Hub. The Hub is a research programme that promotes the generation of high quality colorectal cancer intelligence to drive improvements in care and outcomes. It does this by compiling and using data in the COloRECTal cancer data Repository (CORECT-R).
Yorkshire Cancer Research
We support the Yorkshire Cancer Research Bowel Cancer Improvement Programme (YCR BCIP), a study to improve outcomes for patients with bowel cancer across the Yorkshire and Humber. The original YCR BCIP ran from 2016-2020. The Programme recently received a funding extension. The extended YCR BCIP will run from 2020-2025.